We are excited to share our recent experiences at Money 20/20 in Amsterdam, where we displayed our innovative SaaS (Software as a Service) B2C solution, Video In Person. This innovative platform is designed for video banking services, providing a seamless and personalized customer experience through video interactions. Our presentation at Money 20/20 emphasized how Video In Person can transform the way banks and financial service providers engage with their customers, offering tailored services via web, mobile, and/or kiosk terminals for remote branching.

Money 20/20: A Hub for Financial Innovation 

Money 20/20 in Amsterdam is the premier global event for the financial services industry, bringing together visionaries, decision-makers, and industry leaders to explore the future of money. This year, the event was held from June 4-6, 2024, and featured over 8,000 attendees from more than 2,300 companies. The event provided a platform for highlighting our Video In Person solution to relevant and engaging potential clients and partners. A fantastic opportunity in our experience to showcase our video banking services solution.

money2020 fintech

Video In Person 

Video In Person is a versatile and comprehensive solution that enables financial service organizations to offer custom and personal services through video interactions. Whether through a web browser, mobile app, or kiosk terminal, Video In Person facilitates direct communication between customers and service representatives, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Key Features for financial services:

KYC Processes

Our platform supports Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements while streamlining customer onboarding. The video interaction allows for real-time identity verification and document submission, making the KYC process faster and more efficient. Imp

KYC Process
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E-Signing of Documents

Video In Person includes secure e-signing capabilities, enabling customers to sign documents digitally during and/of after the video session. This feature reduces the need for physical paperwork, accelerating transaction times and improving customer satisfaction. A win-win for both you, and your customers.

E-signature b2c
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Queuing Feature

To manage customer interactions efficiently, our solution offers a queuing feature that organizes and prioritizes incoming customer requests. This ensures that customers are attended to promptly and service representatives can manage their workloads effectively.

queueing feature
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Scheduling Feature

Customers can easily schedule video appointments with service representatives at their convenience. This feature enhances customer satisfaction by providing flexibility and reducing wait times. Moreover, we also provide the option that service representatives can schedule calls with Customers.

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Full Branding

Video In Person can be fully branded to align with the financial service organization’s identity. This ensures a consistent and professional appearance, reinforcing the brand’s credibility and trustworthiness. A white-label delivery from us is entirely possible.

white label
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Various Hosting Options

Our platform offers multiple hosting options, including cloud-based, on-premises, and hybrid solutions. This flexibility allows organizations to choose the hosting environment that best suits their security and operational needs.

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Data Security Options

To work with financial service providers, we understand that security must be a top priority. We therefore provide various data security options, including end-to-end encryption, secure data storage, and compliance with international security standards, ensuring that all customer interactions and data are protected.

data security
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Custom Feature Development

We understand that each financial service organization has unique requirements. Therefore, we offer custom feature development to meet 100% of our clients’ needs, ensuring that Video In Person is tailored to provide the best possible service.

custom feature development
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To maximize the problem-solving nature of Video In Person, we can integrate with various solutions, whether back- or front-end. Via REST APIs we also offer the option for clients to choose certain features and components to integrate with their existing web, mobile or other applications.

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Artificial Intelligence

We are already developing AI features for customers such as auto-scoring the call, customer sentiment analysis and live picture & video analysis. To best prepare for the future, we currently work, test and refine the processes to match customer workflows.

Artificial Intelligence
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Our Participation at Money 20/20 

Our participation at Money 20/20 focused on demonstrating how Video In Person can revolutionize customer engagement for banks and financial service providers via effective video banking services. We discussed real-world case studies and success stories with interested banks, displaying the tangible benefits our solution has delivered to various organizations. 

Key Takeaways and Feedback 

  • Industry Interest: The response to Video In Person was incredibly positive. Industry leaders and decision-makers were particularly interested in how our platform can enhance customer experience and streamline operations. We noticed there is a gap in service here which banks wish to fulfill and Video In Person is primed to support.

  • Valuable Connections: We made numerous connections with potential clients and partners, opening exciting opportunities for collaboration and growth. The event reinforced the demand for innovative solutions like Video In Person in the financial services industry. 

  • Future Developments: The feedback and insights gained at Money 20/20 will inform the future development of Video In Person. We are committed to continually improving our platform to meet the evolving needs of our clients. 


Our attendance and presentation at Money 20/20 in Amsterdam were a tremendous success, reaffirming the relevance and potential of Video In Person as a transformative solution for financial service organizations. We are excited about the future and look forward to helping more banks and financial service providers deliver personalized, efficient, and secure services through video interactions. 

For more information about Video In Person and how it can benefit your organization, please vcontact us directly. Together, we can redefine the future of customer engagement in the financial services industry. 

Stay tuned for more updates from Video In Person as we continue to innovate and lead the way in delivering exceptional customer experiences. 

Nick van Xanten

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