Meet your customers in-person despite being remote

Your all-in-one video communication system. Allow your business to thrive in the digital era and transform remote interactions into meaningful in-person experiences.

Trusted by Leading Businesses

What is Video In Person?

Video In Person is your go-to solution for efficient video communication. Offering a suite of customizable features, integrations, and tools, our platform enables businesses to focus on what matters most—customer engagement.

Video service agent

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50+ Features

Customize your experience with a rich suite of over 50 features designed to enhance remote communication and service delivery.

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Used on 5 continents, in 25 countries

A premium solution used by dozens of companies from SMEs to Enterprise level. On 5 continents, in 25 countries, and growing fast.

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GDPR & HIPAA compliant

Your data security is our priority, meeting the highest global standards for privacy and protection.

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ISO 27001 certified 

Trust in a platform built on certified information security practices, ensuring your business stays secure.

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280+ kiosk terminals with VIP software

Experience seamless service through our robust network of over 280 VIP-enabled kiosk terminals.

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40+ banks use VIP for their remote branches

Leading banks trust VIP to revolutionize their customer interactions with cutting-edge remote solutions.

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 45% of cost reduction in service costs

Cut operational costs by nearly half while delivering exceptional service through Video In Person.

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3 ways to start a video call

Connect effortlessly with scheduled, ad-hoc, or customer-initiated video calls tailored to your needs.

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Offered as Saas, On-Premise or Hybrid

Choose the deployment model that fits your business, with flexible SaaS, on-premise, or hybrid options.

We create digital experiences for:

Why choose Video In Person?

Click a link and start the conversation

Your customers don’t have to download any additional software or learn how to use an app, they just click a link on any device and quickly connect to the video call.

Scheduled or ad-hoc

Start a conversation with your customer in 3 different ways: schedule meetings, quickly send an invite for an ad-hoc call, or let your customers call you first.

Scale and Customise

Effortlessly integrate Video In Person into your current workflows and support tools, enjoying the benefits of a scalable solution. Customise your experience to precisely fit your organization's requirements, ensuring a smooth transition to digital interactions.

Compliant and Secure

Your peace of mind is our priority. We are GDPR compliant and ISO 27001 certified. On top of that, we do end-to-end data encryption and all our video and audio streams are secured.

Ready to experience Video In Person?

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Real-world success stories

Explore how businesses like yours have benefited from Video In Person.

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Raiffeisen Polbank porady wideo
Troostwijk video

I really liked that they made me feel well taken care of as a customer. We had some demands and they met and exceeded them. Compared to our previous vendor this was a substantial change.

Oskar Jedynasty
Director of Ergo Hestia

An easy to use solution, without any training we can setup a video supported session.

Business Consultant
Ruud de Lange

The video application enables so-called remote expert opinions in a very simple way. A win-win for us and our customers.

Mariusz Klosa
Head of Sales & IT

A good solution for remote doctor-patient consultations.

Alicja Liczmańska
Doctor - Patient Care

The situation on the financial markets is very changeable, which requires a dynamic relationship between the customer and the advisor. Thanks to modern technology, we can change the method of contact while maintaining the "face-to-face" conversation formula.

Artur Mojecki
Director of the Personal Banking Department

We want to stay up to date for the next 100 years. But personal contact is also still needed. We want to be prepared for both.

Christoph Bugnon
Chief Executive Officer

I highly appreciate their support for our ideas and innovative solutions. This helps us translate our needs into a software solution. They’re a truly reliable software partner.

Christian Ritter
Vice-President Service Division Claims & Expertise

We always get quick support and short responses to our needs.

Markus Butterweck
Managing Director

Thanks to the video kiosk software we are winning more and more new customers.

Florian Hutter
Managing Director Innovation at Tellma

I really liked that they made me feel well taken care of as a customer. We had some demands and they met and exceeded them. Compared to our previous vendor this was a substantial change.

Oskar Jedynasty
Director of Ergo Hestia

An easy to use solution, without any training we can setup a video supported session.

Business Consultant
Ruud de Lange